Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer? What summer?

Really, what summer? Summer for teachers is a time to rest, to recharge and to relax. For me and Patrick this summer has been stressful and crazy! I have been confined to the four walls of the bedroom, which Patrick says is " our only sanctuary in this house" and I've been taking online post master's degree classes the past two weeks for both me and Patrick so we can get a raise to pay for these renovations! Besides that there are life stresses that are always prevalent and it goes on and on. I am so blessed though. I have a wonderful husband who accepts my nuttiness and I have a great home that looks beautiful now. I think that through all this I have learned to just let some things go. I realize there is so much I can't control, but I can control my attitude. I can be happy, as difficult as that may seem, I can try to remember my blessings and be thankful for everything I have. So I didn't spend the summer travelling as I would have liked, or spending it on my rump in front of the tv as I would have liked, but I still have this home, this great home, and a great husband who is my best friend in the world, who always encourages me and supports me through everything. This has been a summer of serious introspection and these same things keep going through my head and heart. I guess God's trying to get these basic messages through to me. So as I already think about going back to work in a couple of weeks and start getting ready for that, I'm thankful. I'm grateful. And I'm humbled.


Gláucia Mir said...

sometimes God makes us have quiet times, in order for us to think of stuff more clearly. I know it. It was way too quiet in Yosemite, but I grew up some for sure!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss a blog post from you? I guess I haven't been checking anyone's blogs these past couple of weeks.

I'm glad the renovations are finally done! Is all the furniture in it's place, yet?