Monday, December 3, 2007

Cookie Exchange 2007

I've wanted to do a cookie exchange for a while now, and especially since we bought our house 4 years ago. But somehow, the holiday season came and went, and I never did it. This year I was determined to have one. I told people in the summer about it. As Halloween approached, some ladies at church began discussing holding one. I immediately offered my house up for one. Well, fast forward a month, and my cookie exchange took place on Saturday. It really was a lot of fun!

I have to say it was a lot of work, but it was worth it. 12 ladies ended up coming, and although many of them didn't know each other, they all came with a common purpose...COOKIES!

As a host, I didn't get to "enjoy" the party, but my enjoyment came in the faces of all my guests, who laughed a lot that afternoon!

I can't wait till next year's cookie exchange!


RQ said...

Hey Stace, Great exchange... I'll remember it for a long time, for many reasons, you know? Love ya! RQ

jill said...

Hi Stacey,
I had a lot of fun on Saturday. Lots of new recipes to play with...and I think I already found a new one I'll try for the next cookie exchange - are you planning it yet? Hahaha.
Thanks again for hosting it.
Love, Jill

Gláucia Mir said...

yeah! I had an awesome time. And since people liked my cookies, I think I will make cookies more often! Thanks for all the prizes and goodies too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Stacey! Loved the cookie exchange. Already have a recipe for next year. Can't wait.