Just got home. What a dumb day it was at work. Basically PD day means teachers sit around listening to stupid crap that doesn't really matter to fill up a school day since we don't have students. What a waste. I was lucky cause I kinda got out of a meeting on a technicality. My principal didn't write "pre-k teacher" as a participant in any of the meetings after lunch, so I just stayed in my room. I would have gotten away with that too except my principal walked into the kindergarten meeting and had to hand something out. Of course she's like, where's Stacey? CRAP! Of course I went groveling and claiming stupidity, but it was her bad too cause she didn't put me down for that meeting! HA! Oh well...you know that won't EVER happen again now. I'll have to sit in boring meetings that have absolutely nothing to do with me. Ugh.
Anyway, I've been feeling sick the past few days, and I feel a little better today. Last night we got together with some peeps and had dinner at a Thai restaurant in Brooklyn. It was pretty damn good I gotta say. I wasn't feeling great but I figured I'd go because the spicy food could clear me up a bit. Boy did it ever! I ordered an eggplant and chili dish. Patrick didn't go near it, and he just ate his usual pad thai, especially since the dish included two of his least fave foods: chilis and eggplant. I loved it! We got to sample some appetizers too, which are really good! It was pretty cool, since most of the people there were teachers and we knew we didn't have the kids in school today, but you could tell everyone was pretty tired.
It's going to be a busy two months, Nov and Dec...
let's see...b-day, grandma's b-day, parent teacher conferences, open school week, wedding, thanksgiving, cookie exchange, engagement party, friend's baby's 1st bday, holiday parties, christmas...what else? I'm sure there's more!
I look forward to the madness that is about to happen! More updates to come!
I'll leave you with this nice picture of Hawaii, as I was reminiscing about it with someone last night at dinner....ahhhhh.....

1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Stacey! May God bless you with many more with health and happiness for you and Patrick!
We had a teachers' meeting this afternoon and I loved it. Hopefully the teachers liked it too... My love to you!
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