As usual, Patrick has been obsessed with this new gadget all weekend, trying to figure it out, all that it does and has already customized his. As for me, I'll just wait till he finishes obsessing with his, and make him fix mine up.
Yesterday I went to a bridal shower. It was actually a little weird because the shower was for one of Patrick's friends from work, and she invited me I guess in his place, since he's a boy and couldn't go. I felt a little strange, and out of place sitting there with Patrick's friends, while they talked about things I knew nothing about, and they are obviously close with each other. It felt even weirder not having much to say about any of it and not having Patrick there. I even considered not going, but I really like the bride to be and I was representin' the Chungs afterall! I feel like God's been throwing me into a lot of situations that I'm not comfortable with lately. I wonder what He's trying to show me or tell me, but most of all, I'm excited about it, because I am going through a real period of personal evolution. No, not the kind like chimp to human, but more like how I'm growing as a person and becoming better. I like that.
Looking ahead to my week right now. I hope I can keep up the calm that came over me after my previous entry and lots of prayer. May God help me be the kind of teacher these kids need. I pray I don't get caught up too much in everything around me...
Anyway, back to my Blackberry (or blueberry as I like to call it). Look out! I may be texting one or more of you soon!

I like your new toy! It makes texting much easier. I love mine. I have had my blackberry for a year and still haven't figured out what all it can do. Maybe I will have Patrick fix mine after he fixes yours.
Hey Stace!!! You're such a blessing... you have a new toy, and now I have one too, thanks to you!! Hope you get much use out of yours, and hey, text me, why not?? And as for Patman--he really is the ultimate gadget guy--I love that he helps out all of us ladies... he's always helping me out with my phone stuff too, rings and the like... what a guy!!!
yeah. I'm be happy for you, but wishing I had my own toy.
enjoy figuring it out. It's one of my fave thing to do when I get a gadget. I'm the gadget geek at our house. Fabio doesn't care much either way.
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