Sunday, August 26, 2007

Work is yucky!

I can't believe it. The summer is just about over! It's flown by sooooo quickly, and I am shocked that I have to go in to work tomorrow. I'm officially depressed.

It's been really hard getting up since coming back from Hawaii. It's 6 hours back there, and so we've been struggling to wake up before 10 am and wide awake till 2 or 3 in the morning. Today was tough, though. We had to wake up at 8 to go to church. I enjoyed being back at church, since we've not been there for three weeks while on vacation. It felt good seeing familiar people and getting to talk to them a little bit.

As for work, I haven't even prepared this year! I feel so out of it, which I guess may be a good thing since I'm always so stressed out and worried. Tomorrow I will see if my furniture has arrived for my classroom. If it has, I can set up. If not, I'll just clean and do my bulletin boards, or something like that. Then we'll go to Patrick's school, so we can set up his room.

Yesterday we had lunch with an old friend and just hung out and watched a movie at our house. It was nice, just lounging around. There was no time schedule, nowhere to be, and we just chilled. I will miss those days soon enough.

Today we went to Target to buy a fridge for Patrick's classroom. After buying it, we realized that it was too big to fit into the car. Uh oh. We had to call a friend who lives nearby to come with his minivan and rescue us from the parking lot. I don't know what we were thinking. We're both out of it. Then we realized that this thing was way to huge for the classroom. We debated returning it right then and there. We decided to keep it for our home, for a possible bar we may set up soon. We're completely nuts, I know. But we're both the same kind of crazy, so it's okay. Right?

I also have been trying to get those darn pics up, but keep running into freezing issues, and it's pretty annoying! I hope soon they'll be up! I know some of you asked me to post them. It's coming....someday....

My complete state of being lackadaisical is scaring me slightly. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion, and everything else is independent of me.

Today at church Rick was preaching about the prodigal son. I started thinking about who God is to me. Then I read a devotional about focusing on God's sufficiency to reach inner peace. I thanked God for giving me this peace that I call being "lackadaisical," and I understood that it wasn't that I was being lazy, but God was taking care of me, and reducing my anxiety and pressures because of my prayers and submission. It's pretty funny, but most of my prayers the past 5 months have been for Patrick, and his health, and safety. I love that even though I didn't pray for myself, God knew I needed comfort and love, too! What an awesome Lord!
"Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you." -- 1 Peter 5:7


Gláucia Mir said...

great post. and why does Pat need a fridge for the classroom?
and that verse from Peter is one of my faves!

Anonymous said...

Sorry work is so yucky! I feel your pain. Been there, done that! Will see you soon at church.

Anonymous said...

Yup, you guys are crazy, but that's what's great about you two! I'm glad that you're getting the message to rest in God. It is way too easy to get caught up in the busy schedule everyone tries to give us.

It's great to see yous again, too.